Saturday, October 27, 2007

2007- 5th Dimension

I always liked this song. And then I heard the live version from Eurock II. It's got this awsome lead break that was just the thing missing from the original recording. And get this: the Eurock version was such good quality that it almost sounds like a proper recording itself, and there is no crowd sounds at all! So I decided to use the live version for this MMV. This clip is a bit on the heavy side, as I portraid it as it truly is. You'll get the feeling right away, and you'll never wanna get involved with the bloodsucking system! Hope you enjoy it. So here it is:

[English Subtitles] [Portugese Subtitles]

Video Rating 16+

Clips Taken From:
Eurock II 2006
The Animatrix
The Matrix trilogy

Monday, October 22, 2007

2007- No Mercy

This is the second one of the Star Wars music videos that I spoke about earlier. This one is not quite as good, personally, as Blow Away. But it has the concert from Wordstock I to add variety to the flick. Hope you all enjoy it. So here it is:

NO MERCY (small)

Video Rating 12+

Clips Taken From:
Wordstock I 2004
Star Wars I -The Phantom Menace
Star Wars II -Attack of The Clones
Star Wars III -Revenge of The Sith

Saturday, October 06, 2007

2007- Vibrate

The long awaited & much asked for MMV is now availible -Vibrate! This one is my third favorite of all the music videos I have created. (After 'Make It Home' & 'Never') I hope you all enjoy feeling that rhythm in your shoes. I know I enjoyed making it, ha. So here it is:

VIBRATE (small)

Video Rating 14+

Clips Taken From:
Wordstock III 2006
Save The Last Dance
The Matrix Reloaded
Livin' The Vida Loca -by Aaron Cross